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GET api/v1/WorkOrder/GetWorkOrderListBlockTimeListByRouteAndScheduleDateRange?routename={routename}&from={from}&to={to}


Get List of WorkOrders and Block Time Info by Routename and Scheduled Date Range

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information

Define this parameter in the request URI.


Define this parameter in the request URI.


Define this parameter in the request URI.

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

    "Date": "sample string 1",
    "WOInfoList": [
        "scheduledate": "sample string 1",
        "eventname": "sample string 2",
        "programname": "sample string 3",
        "wonumber": "sample string 4",
        "routeid": 5,
        "routename": "sample string 6",
        "invoiceamount": 7.0,
        "productionamount": 8.0,
        "commissionamount": 9.0
        "scheduledate": "sample string 1",
        "eventname": "sample string 2",
        "programname": "sample string 3",
        "wonumber": "sample string 4",
        "routeid": 5,
        "routename": "sample string 6",
        "invoiceamount": 7.0,
        "productionamount": 8.0,
        "commissionamount": 9.0
    "BlockTimeList": [
        "description": "sample string 1",
        "scheduledate": "sample string 2",
        "time": "sample string 3",
        "routename": "sample string 4",
        "duration": 5,
        "createdby": "sample string 6",
        "utctimestamp": "sample string 7",
        "editedby": "sample string 8",
        "utclastchanged": "sample string 9"
        "description": "sample string 1",
        "scheduledate": "sample string 2",
        "time": "sample string 3",
        "routename": "sample string 4",
        "duration": 5,
        "createdby": "sample string 6",
        "utctimestamp": "sample string 7",
        "editedby": "sample string 8",
        "utclastchanged": "sample string 9"
    "Date": "sample string 1",
    "WOInfoList": [
        "scheduledate": "sample string 1",
        "eventname": "sample string 2",
        "programname": "sample string 3",
        "wonumber": "sample string 4",
        "routeid": 5,
        "routename": "sample string 6",
        "invoiceamount": 7.0,
        "productionamount": 8.0,
        "commissionamount": 9.0
        "scheduledate": "sample string 1",
        "eventname": "sample string 2",
        "programname": "sample string 3",
        "wonumber": "sample string 4",
        "routeid": 5,
        "routename": "sample string 6",
        "invoiceamount": 7.0,
        "productionamount": 8.0,
        "commissionamount": 9.0
    "BlockTimeList": [
        "description": "sample string 1",
        "scheduledate": "sample string 2",
        "time": "sample string 3",
        "routename": "sample string 4",
        "duration": 5,
        "createdby": "sample string 6",
        "utctimestamp": "sample string 7",
        "editedby": "sample string 8",
        "utclastchanged": "sample string 9"
        "description": "sample string 1",
        "scheduledate": "sample string 2",
        "time": "sample string 3",
        "routename": "sample string 4",
        "duration": 5,
        "createdby": "sample string 6",
        "utctimestamp": "sample string 7",
        "editedby": "sample string 8",
        "utclastchanged": "sample string 9"

application/xml, text/xml

<ArrayOfworkorderblocktimelistbyscheduledaterangebyroutemodel xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/APICOMMON">
        <createdby>sample string 6</createdby>
        <description>sample string 1</description>
        <editedby>sample string 8</editedby>
        <routename>sample string 4</routename>
        <scheduledate>sample string 2</scheduledate>
        <time>sample string 3</time>
        <utclastchanged>sample string 9</utclastchanged>
        <utctimestamp>sample string 7</utctimestamp>
        <createdby>sample string 6</createdby>
        <description>sample string 1</description>
        <editedby>sample string 8</editedby>
        <routename>sample string 4</routename>
        <scheduledate>sample string 2</scheduledate>
        <time>sample string 3</time>
        <utclastchanged>sample string 9</utclastchanged>
        <utctimestamp>sample string 7</utctimestamp>
    <Date>sample string 1</Date>
        <eventname>sample string 2</eventname>
        <programname>sample string 3</programname>
        <routename>sample string 6</routename>
        <scheduledate>sample string 1</scheduledate>
        <wonumber>sample string 4</wonumber>
        <eventname>sample string 2</eventname>
        <programname>sample string 3</programname>
        <routename>sample string 6</routename>
        <scheduledate>sample string 1</scheduledate>
        <wonumber>sample string 4</wonumber>
        <createdby>sample string 6</createdby>
        <description>sample string 1</description>
        <editedby>sample string 8</editedby>
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        <time>sample string 3</time>
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        <utctimestamp>sample string 7</utctimestamp>
        <createdby>sample string 6</createdby>
        <description>sample string 1</description>
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        <utctimestamp>sample string 7</utctimestamp>
    <Date>sample string 1</Date>
        <eventname>sample string 2</eventname>
        <programname>sample string 3</programname>
        <routename>sample string 6</routename>
        <scheduledate>sample string 1</scheduledate>
        <wonumber>sample string 4</wonumber>
        <eventname>sample string 2</eventname>
        <programname>sample string 3</programname>
        <routename>sample string 6</routename>
        <scheduledate>sample string 1</scheduledate>
        <wonumber>sample string 4</wonumber>