Name | Description | Additional information |
CompanyId | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
BranchId | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
LocaleId | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
FirstName | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
LastName | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
AutoPay | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
BusinessName | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
paperless | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Site | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Estimate | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
AccountAddress | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
BillingAddress | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Contact | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
ProgramTypeId | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
ExpectedTimeOfArrival | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
PestAgreementLength | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Events | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Note | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
{ "CompanyId": 1, "BranchId": 2, "LocaleId": 3, "Email": "sample string 4", "FirstName": "sample string 5", "LastName": "sample string 6", "AutoPay": true, "BusinessName": "sample string 8", "paperless": 9, "Site": { "TaxTypeId": 1, "ShowSendingCompletedWOPrint": 2, "ShowSendingCompletedWOEmail": 3, "PropertyTypeId": 4 }, "Estimate": { "BranchId": 1, "RouteId": 2, "EstimateTypeId": 3, "SourceId": 4, "TargetId": 5, "Name": "sample string 6", "ScheduledDate": "sample string 7", "Duration": 8, "Price": 9.0, "Instructions": "sample string 10", "SalesPersonId": 11 }, "AccountAddress": { "StreetNumber": "sample string 1", "Predirection": "sample string 2", "StreetName": "sample string 3", "StreetSuffix": "sample string 4", "PostDirection": "sample string 5", "SecondaryAddress": "sample string 6", "City": "sample string 7", "State": "sample string 8", "PostalCode": "sample string 9", "PostalCodeEx": "sample string 10", "CountryId": 11, "Latitude": 12.1, "Longitude": 13.1 }, "BillingAddress": { "StreetNumber": "sample string 1", "Predirection": "sample string 2", "StreetName": "sample string 3", "StreetSuffix": "sample string 4", "PostDirection": "sample string 5", "SecondaryAddress": "sample string 6", "City": "sample string 7", "State": "sample string 8", "PostalCode": "sample string 9", "PostalCodeEx": "sample string 10", "CountryId": 11, "Latitude": 12.1, "Longitude": 13.1 }, "Contact": { "Email": "sample string 1", "Phone": "sample string 2", "PhoneExt": "sample string 3", "phonetype": 64 }, "ProgramTypeId": 10, "ExpectedTimeOfArrival": "2025-02-23T06:01:18.8539176+00:00", "PestAgreementLength": 12.0, "Events": [ { "RouteId": 1, "Note": "sample string 2", "Instructions": "sample string 3", "ScheduleTimeType": "sample string 4", "ScheduleTime": 5, "Confirmed": true, "EventTypeId": 7, "InvoiceAmount": 8.1, "ProdAmount": 9.1, "SalesCommisionAmount": 10.1, "WorkPool": 11, "ScheduleDate": "sample string 12", "SaleDate": "sample string 13" }, { "RouteId": 1, "Note": "sample string 2", "Instructions": "sample string 3", "ScheduleTimeType": "sample string 4", "ScheduleTime": 5, "Confirmed": true, "EventTypeId": 7, "InvoiceAmount": 8.1, "ProdAmount": 9.1, "SalesCommisionAmount": 10.1, "WorkPool": 11, "ScheduleDate": "sample string 12", "SaleDate": "sample string 13" } ], "Note": "sample string 13" }
<AccountCreateModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AccountAddress> <City>sample string 7</City> <CountryId>11</CountryId> <Latitude>12.1</Latitude> <Longitude>13.1</Longitude> <PostDirection>sample string 5</PostDirection> <PostalCode>sample string 9</PostalCode> <PostalCodeEx>sample string 10</PostalCodeEx> <Predirection>sample string 2</Predirection> <SecondaryAddress>sample string 6</SecondaryAddress> <State>sample string 8</State> <StreetName>sample string 3</StreetName> <StreetNumber>sample string 1</StreetNumber> <StreetSuffix>sample string 4</StreetSuffix> </AccountAddress> <AutoPay>true</AutoPay> <BillingAddress> <City>sample string 7</City> <CountryId>11</CountryId> <Latitude>12.1</Latitude> <Longitude>13.1</Longitude> <PostDirection>sample string 5</PostDirection> <PostalCode>sample string 9</PostalCode> <PostalCodeEx>sample string 10</PostalCodeEx> <Predirection>sample string 2</Predirection> <SecondaryAddress>sample string 6</SecondaryAddress> <State>sample string 8</State> <StreetName>sample string 3</StreetName> <StreetNumber>sample string 1</StreetNumber> <StreetSuffix>sample string 4</StreetSuffix> </BillingAddress> <BranchId>2</BranchId> <BusinessName>sample string 8</BusinessName> <CompanyId>1</CompanyId> <Contact> <Email>sample string 1</Email> <Phone>sample string 2</Phone> <PhoneExt>sample string 3</PhoneExt> <phonetype>64</phonetype> </Contact> <Email>sample string 4</Email> <Estimate> <BranchId>1</BranchId> <Duration>8</Duration> <EstimateTypeId>3</EstimateTypeId> <Instructions>sample string 10</Instructions> <Name>sample string 6</Name> <Price>9</Price> <RouteId>2</RouteId> <SalesPersonId>11</SalesPersonId> <ScheduledDate>sample string 7</ScheduledDate> <SourceId>4</SourceId> <TargetId>5</TargetId> </Estimate> <Events> <Event> <Confirmed>true</Confirmed> <EventTypeId>7</EventTypeId> <Instructions>sample string 3</Instructions> <InvoiceAmount>8.1</InvoiceAmount> <Note>sample string 2</Note> <ProdAmount>9.1</ProdAmount> <RouteId>1</RouteId> <SaleDate>sample string 13</SaleDate> <SalesCommisionAmount>10.1</SalesCommisionAmount> <ScheduleDate>sample string 12</ScheduleDate> <ScheduleTime>5</ScheduleTime> <ScheduleTimeType>sample string 4</ScheduleTimeType> <WorkPool>11</WorkPool> </Event> <Event> <Confirmed>true</Confirmed> <EventTypeId>7</EventTypeId> <Instructions>sample string 3</Instructions> <InvoiceAmount>8.1</InvoiceAmount> <Note>sample string 2</Note> <ProdAmount>9.1</ProdAmount> <RouteId>1</RouteId> <SaleDate>sample string 13</SaleDate> <SalesCommisionAmount>10.1</SalesCommisionAmount> <ScheduleDate>sample string 12</ScheduleDate> <ScheduleTime>5</ScheduleTime> <ScheduleTimeType>sample string 4</ScheduleTimeType> <WorkPool>11</WorkPool> </Event> </Events> <ExpectedTimeOfArrival>2025-02-23T06:01:18.8539176+00:00</ExpectedTimeOfArrival> <FirstName>sample string 5</FirstName> <LastName>sample string 6</LastName> <LocaleId>3</LocaleId> <Note>sample string 13</Note> <PestAgreementLength>12</PestAgreementLength> <ProgramTypeId>10</ProgramTypeId> <Site> <PropertyTypeId>4</PropertyTypeId> <ShowSendingCompletedWOEmail>3</ShowSendingCompletedWOEmail> <ShowSendingCompletedWOPrint>2</ShowSendingCompletedWOPrint> <TaxTypeId>1</TaxTypeId> </Site> <paperless>9</paperless> </AccountCreateModel>
Sample not available.
{ "ErrorCode": 1, "Accountid": 2, "SiteId": 3, "EstimateId": 4, "ProgramId": 5, "Message": "sample string 6" }
<AccountCreateResponseModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Accountid>2</Accountid> <ErrorCode>1</ErrorCode> <EstimateId>4</EstimateId> <Message>sample string 6</Message> <ProgramId>5</ProgramId> <SiteId>3</SiteId> </AccountCreateResponseModel>