Name | Description | Additional information |
contact | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
address | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
{ "contact": { "contactId": 1, "contacttype": 64, "firstname": "sample string 3", "middlename": "sample string 4", "lastname": "sample string 5", "emailaddress": "sample string 6", "webaddress": "sample string 7", "bussinessname": "sample string 8", "contactdescription": "sample string 9", "contactphonenumber": { "phonetype": 64, "phonenumber": "sample string 2", "phoneextension": "sample string 3", "phonenote": "sample string 4" } }, "address": { "StreetNumber": "sample string 1", "Predirection": "sample string 2", "StreetName": "sample string 3", "StreetSuffix": "sample string 4", "PostDirection": "sample string 5", "SecondaryAddress": "sample string 6", "City": "sample string 7", "State": "sample string 8", "PostalCode": "sample string 9", "PostalCodeEx": "sample string 10", "CountryId": 11, "Latitude": 12.1, "Longitude": 13.1 } }
<UpdateAdditionalContactModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <address> <City>sample string 7</City> <CountryId>11</CountryId> <Latitude>12.1</Latitude> <Longitude>13.1</Longitude> <PostDirection>sample string 5</PostDirection> <PostalCode>sample string 9</PostalCode> <PostalCodeEx>sample string 10</PostalCodeEx> <Predirection>sample string 2</Predirection> <SecondaryAddress>sample string 6</SecondaryAddress> <State>sample string 8</State> <StreetName>sample string 3</StreetName> <StreetNumber>sample string 1</StreetNumber> <StreetSuffix>sample string 4</StreetSuffix> </address> <contact> <bussinessname>sample string 8</bussinessname> <contactId>1</contactId> <contactdescription>sample string 9</contactdescription> <contactphonenumber> <phoneextension>sample string 3</phoneextension> <phonenote>sample string 4</phonenote> <phonenumber>sample string 2</phonenumber> <phonetype>64</phonetype> </contactphonenumber> <contacttype>64</contacttype> <emailaddress>sample string 6</emailaddress> <firstname>sample string 3</firstname> <lastname>sample string 5</lastname> <middlename>sample string 4</middlename> <webaddress>sample string 7</webaddress> </contact> </UpdateAdditionalContactModel>
Sample not available.
{ "Message": "sample string 1", "code": 2, "contactid": 3 }
<AdditionalContactResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Message>sample string 1</Message> <code>2</code> <contactid>3</contactid> </AdditionalContactResponse>