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Update additional contact

Method: POST api/v1/Account/UpdateAdditionalContact

Response Format:


Required Parameters Description Additional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

application/json, text/json

Sample Request:
  "contact": {
    "contactId": 1,
    "contacttype": 64,
    "firstname": "sample string 3",
    "middlename": "sample string 4",
    "lastname": "sample string 5",
    "emailaddress": "sample string 6",
    "webaddress": "sample string 7",
    "bussinessname": "sample string 8",
    "contactdescription": "sample string 9",
    "contactphonenumber": {
      "phonetype": 64,
      "phonenumber": "sample string 2",
      "phoneextension": "sample string 3",
      "phonenote": "sample string 4"
  "address": {
    "StreetNumber": "sample string 1",
    "Predirection": "sample string 2",
    "StreetName": "sample string 3",
    "StreetSuffix": "sample string 4",
    "PostDirection": "sample string 5",
    "SecondaryAddress": "sample string 6",
    "City": "sample string 7",
    "State": "sample string 8",
    "PostalCode": "sample string 9",
    "PostalCodeEx": "sample string 10",
    "CountryId": 11,
    "Latitude": 12.1,
    "Longitude": 13.1